Hi Friend!

Welcome to my corner on the web! I’m married to my hubs who also happens to be my favorite dentist! Brace yourself for this next part: We have eleven amazing kiddos, on purpose! Said kids are growing up fast and multiplying now, too! So our family is basically the size of a small city! 

I’ve home schooled our children for 25 years and have several more to go until we graduate our youngest who is nine. I  was  crunchy before it was cool and used essential oils before it became a fad. Therefore I fill this space with thoughts on marriage, mom hacks, wellness tips and peeks into our crazy, messy, beautiful life. I hope you find this space happy and helpful!

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 Dream Calls

Dream Calls

EACH Monday morning at 10amCST, I train Brand Partners on how to work smart to increase their paychecks. 

We cover product training, business strategy and mindset. Register to have the zoom link texted directly to you. 


 Healthy Habits Round Table

Healthy Habits Round Table

Each Tuesday evening we have a zoom round table talk on a different health topic. Grow in knowledge and community on these informative and fun calls. 7-745 CST

Register to have the zoom link texted to you before each round table.


 The Gathering

The Gathering

Young Living Customers and Brand Partners gather around BBQ to learn the power of essential oils for health, wellness and healing. Register to receive double entry into the drawings. Bring a friend!


Bloom Brightening Cream

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We are very diligent about our protection of earth and its citizens. We hold the highest standards for our essential oil production process, bringing the world the finest products available. From the seed of the plant to the seal on the bottle, our high standards are integral with who we are.

Featured Beauty & Skin Products

Find Your Favorites

Acne Treatment

Wintergreen, manuka and tea tree based maximum strength acne treatment helps clear acne blemishes, pimples, & blackheads.

Brightening Cleanser

Natural face wash with plumeria flower extract and pracaxi seed oil to address the appearance of uneven skin.

Luminous Cleansing Oil

Easily and gently remove makeup and other impurities with this blend of essential and carrier oils, including Rose and Ylang Ylang. Optionally follow with facial cleanser or facial wash for an extra level of cleanliness.

Facial Wash

For oily skin, a gentle foaming gel that deep cleans and reduces surface oils.

Facial Scrub

Gently exfoliate and reveal radiant skin. Made with apricot seed powder, mango butter, peppermint oil, and more.

Sandalwood Firming Cream

This luxurious hydrating cream supports a youthful-looking appearance using plant-cell technology and premium essential oils.

Brightening Essence

Let your skin feel refreshed and radiant with this moisture-infusing refining gel.

Facial Cleanser

Infused with skin-loving essential oils, supports healthy glowing skin by washing away impurities with a soft, gentle lather.

Charcoal Mask

A premium formula designed to detox skin and leave it feeling healthier. Suitable for all skin types.

Light Moisturizer

Helps your skin retain and maintain proper hydration. With five essential oils and other natural ingredients, your face will feel soft and supple, preparing your canvas like a beautiful work of art.

Refreshing Toner

Use after facial wash to gently remove impurities without over drying.

Brightening Cream

Use morning and night to balance and brighten skin tone with sophisticated, plant-based ingredients.

Renewal Serum

An intricate blend of exotic orchids petals and essential oils that helps protect and revitalize skin, working in harmony to deeply nourish and hydrate the face.

Brightening Lotion

Antioxidant-based lightweight formula helps brighten and moisturize your skin.


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Chest Rub

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Support your body the natural way with this all-natural, over-the-counter, maximum strength cough suppressant and topical analgesic ointment.

Mineral Sunscreen Lotion

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Protect your skin without chemicals with this all natural formula. Available in SPF 10 and SPF 50!

Baby Care

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Baby wash & shampoo, baby lotion, baby wipes, diaper rash cream, baby oil, and linen spray.

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We are more than just the world's best essential oils. We go beyond green to help you create a healthy, healing home environment.

From effective, safe home cleaners to pet care, multivitamins to weight management, oral care to hair care, body care, and kids care, to antioxidant support and more, we offer solutions to help you live naturally.

Ordering online is fast and easy and the product ships right to your door. We are your online store for living a healthy, toxin-free lifestyle.

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Updates from Terri Bonin

Dry Brushing to Open Detox Pathways

My daughter, Annalise Hiley, ran an HTMA test on me and the results showed that I would benefit from some intentional physical detoxing. She recommended a few supplements (most of which were sitting in my cabinet but I had not been taking 🥴) along with dry brushing, and sitting in the sauna. 

I'm already very active, so I didn't need to ADD exercise. I do that daily. I simply don't sweat very easily and the results showed in my HTMA. 
Anyway, I've been dry brushing regularly and I LOVE IT!! below are the instructions on how to do it!

Dry brushing is a simple practice, but doing it correctly can maximize its benefits and minimize any potential irritation. Here’s a step-by-step guide to dry brushing:

Materials Needed:

  • A natural-bristle brush with a long handle (to reach your back).
  • (optional) Cel-lite massage oil to increase the effectiveness of the dry brushing. This massage oil has cypress for circulation, juniper for both cleansing and muscle strength and citrus oils for cleansing the receptor cites of cells.


Choose the Right Time: Dry brushing is typically done before showering. I personally do it in the steam room and or sauna.
Start at Your Feet: Begin with the soles of your feet. Use firm, small strokes upward or make circular motions.
Move Upward: Continue brushing up your legs with long, smooth strokes. Always brush towards your heart, which is the direction of lymphatic flow.
Brush Your Torso: After your legs, move to your midsection. For your stomach, use circular, clockwise motions. Brush your back in long, upward strokes.
Arms and Hands: Move to your hands and brush upward towards your shoulders. Again, use long strokes and always brush towards the heart.
Neck and Chest: For the chest and neck, use softer, lighter strokes as the skin in these areas is more sensitive.
Avoid Sensitive Areas: Don’t brush over cuts, infections, rashes, or any areas with broken skin. Be gentle on softer areas like the breasts and inner thighs.
Shower: After brushing, shower to wash away the dead skin cells that have been loosened.
Moisturize: Apply a natural oil or your favorite moisturizer to nourish your skin after dry brushing.


  • Brush Gently: The pressure should be firm but not painful. Avoid scrubbing too hard.
  • Frequency: Start with once a week and gradually increase to 2-3 times per week if your skin tolerates it well.
  • Clean Your Brush: Regularly wash your brush with soap and water to keep it clean.
Dry brushing should feel invigorating but not uncomfortable. If you experience any irritation, reduce the frequency or pressure, and always follow up with plenty of water, add a pinch of gray or pink salt for hydration and after your shower re-apply the cel-lite massage oil! to re-moisturize the skin.

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How to Care for your Aria Diffuser

I've had my beautiful Aria for well over a decade! And it literally brings me joy every single day! It's beautiful to watch and it has a strong diffusing pump. 

Over the last 12 or so years, I have only had to replace the ultrasonic mist maker twice. When I replace it, the diffuser begins to pump like it's brand new! If you have an an Aria and it's not diffusing big puffs, simply change the ultra sonic mist maker disc.
Order the mister HERE (Read to the bottom to see the new price and the best deal on the Aria)

Simple Maintenance for Longevity

How to Keep Your Diffuser Pumping Like New

Once you have the new disc, remove the old one from the center of your diffuser. Keep the ring that holds the disc in place. Discard the old disc. Replace it with the new one. Secure the new disc in place with the metal ring.

Now use and enjoy your diffuser like you always have!

Essential Cleaning Tips

Keeping Your Diffuser Clean for Optimal Performance

It's important to clean the inside of your diffuser with a toothbrush or a diffuser brush occasionally. Keeping it clean will help extend the life of your disc.
I clean mine with the Thieves hand foaming soapbecause it's gentle and effective on stains. I use this brush to get the details cleaned.

Be careful not to get water into the motor. If you get water in the motor, there's no hope for the diffuser as far as I know.

Water Quality and Maintenance

Why Distilled or Purified Water is Best for Your Diffuser

If you keep your diffuser clean, use low mineral water like distilled or purified, and change the disc out about every 5 years, your diffuser should last you a very long time!

My Favorite Diffuser Recipes

Top Diffuser Blends for Mood Lifting and Room Brightening

Now, let's talk favorite diffuser recipes. I LOVE the blend Joy combined with a few drops of lemon, This combo gives a nice citrus/floral aroma. Luscious Lemon, and Inner Child are also fantastic! 

Sometimes I diffuse straight lemon and thoroughly love what it does for a room!

But my all-time favorite most-used combination is Bergamot and lemon combined. It lifts the mood and brightens a room! It has such a beautiful aroma!!

See oils HERE

Share Your Favorites

What Are Your Go-To Diffuser Blends? Share in the Comments!

What's your favorite diffuser blend? Share in the comments below!

Get the Best Deal on a new Aria!

The Aria is such a great gift! If you buy it alone, you'll pay $260! 

If you buy the Aria kit with 10 oils, you get it for $212!! 

Why the difference? 

Young Living discounts the starter bundles and kits because you will not have a good experience with your Aria if you don't have the best oils to go with it! Actual aromatherapy changes the atmosphere. It can cheer up a room, help a room calm down etc. The Aria needs the oils so they make it easy to get the oils you need to get started wtih your new favorite diffuser! 

If you end up using the above link, I'll send you the brush and a bottle of Thieves hand foaming soap so that you'll be totally equipped to keep your Aria in good shape. Please let me know that you used the above link or I won't know. :) I have links everywhere! :P

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